Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers in Final Fantasy XIV are a special currency obtained by trading in Bicolor Gemstones. These gemstones are earned by completing Shared FATEs in المناطق الفرعية (Shinshu) zones.

There are two vendors who will trade Bicolor Gemstones for Vouchers:
- Gadfrid in Old Sharlayan (X:12.7, Y:10.4)
- Sajareen in Radz-at-Han (X:11.1, Y:10.2)
The exchange rate is 100 Bicolor Gemstones for 1 Bicolor Gemstone Voucher.
Once you have enough vouchers, you can trade them with Edelina, the Luxury Trader, in Mor Dhona (X:22.1, Y:4.9) for two exclusive items:
- Fallen Angel Wings (fashion accessory) – 500 Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers
- Wivre Horn (mount) – 500 Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers
Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers can also be purchased on the Market Board, but they can be quite expensive.